Power rankings, blah. I spent the weekend in the mountains, so my team was fucked. Doesn't matter anyway, they suck. But this is not about me, it's about ranking the powers. This week's MVP is an absolute douche.
Dustin Pedroia of Furry Balls decided to quit sucking pretty much the day I dropped him. This week he hit .556 with an OPS of 1.386, 2HRs, 7 runs scored and 5 RsBI, oh and he stole a base. The LVP happened to be on the team that I was playing this week, but it didn't matter.
Prince Fielder of Captain Delux was a whopping 1/24 for an .042 avg and an OPS of .122, and he scored a run. It didn't matter though because the winner of the power rankings this week, for the first time this year is:
Captain Delux
Enjoy being a woman...for the year The Riot is still in 1st, not a lot of movement this week but things are tightening up (TNWBS)...biscuit
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