Week 5 Power Ranking Recap
Y! Rankings :
Biggest Mover : Weazy's "Best.Team.Ever" moves up 5 spots from 15th to 10th after smoking Zeke's "Cho's Warriors" 9 - 2.
Biggest Loser : Not surprisingly, "Cho's Warriors" falls from 5th to 9th after getting embarrassed. Losing 2-9 = Not good.
Power Rankings :
Biggest Mover : Best.Team.Ever moves up 5 spots from 11th to 6th.
Biggest Loser : Tem's "Mills Luvs MooseCock" drops 5 spots from 4th to 9th after barely getting by cellar dwellar "Bruce Almighty" by the score of 6-5.
Rev's bottom feeding "Bagels and Kakes" had a surprisingly strong showing this week.
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»el pad had a strong showing this week too, it might not have shown up on the scoreboard but his team has grit.
Yay for my team and not checking line ups!
good work.
i love how bruce nolan decided to check his lineup for the first time in 6 weeks the week he is playing me.
i have no idea how ben's team is 3rd in yahoo, but middle of the pack in rankings. lucky son of a bitch blue!
I love how mills is bitching that someone is playing a full lineup against him...
Especially since he's only perpetuating the hatred that probably spurred this on
grit equals championships
cho's warriors lookin to move Pierre?
ep - what do you have in mind, I need good SP's.
Ervin Santana
I was thinking more along the lines of C Young.
We can explore adding players if you'd like.
I have a starting pitcher.
Corbin = undercutters pizza.
you talk trade and of course he's got an offer on the table.
My team's looking pretty weak right now.
Mills, why are you such a crybaby?
I have lots of SP.
Not lots of offense.
Trade trade trade.
dame c young is my K guy
are K's more valuable than sb's
this is the question i need to ask myself
chad cordero is now on the block
i have pitching depth
i'm looking for SB's mostly but would not shy away from HR's Ribbies, runs etc.
basically i have pitching, looking to solidify the o
zeke we'd have to include other players for young, guy's on pace for 200K's this season
something like
K.J, Pierre and Joe Smith
For Young & Scutaro
you got other ideas i'm all ears
Scuttaro stings the nostrils.
make it upton and we might be close to a deal
giving up at least 7 K's a start stings the asshole
upton, that's crazy talk
look at the deal on Yahoo and the #'s add up pretty well.
KJ + Pierre (somewhat)= Upton + whoever you'd drop from your OF.
and you got to give to get with losing C Young
well i'm looking for someone to compliment upton & i just traded for him
I hear ya, giving up KJ + Pierre with nothing coming back is another hole for me to fill.
I don't have another 2B and am already slumming it at SS.
I'm not exactly thin at 2B or SS
Hey, can you go over again how you determine the power rankings?
It seems that post was deleted.
trade day
i think he gives us a W-L with each stat. say you were first in K's for a week, you would have beaten all of us in K's, so you are 17-0 for that stat, then say you were 4th in HR's, you would get 14-3 for that. Then you add em all up. I may just be talking bullshit, but i think thats it.
that's it spiff.
I still need SP's, bastards.
meiz -- lets talk 2b/ss...
i got sp zeke. throw something out there if you want. but i don't know if we matchup
meiz --
i am looking in the direction of guillen or kendrick
i have scotty pods and his sbs to work with
i'm gonna shott you a trade proposal, you need pitching
i have it
i do not want hardy or wilson or lopez or castillo
Zeke, I am quite loaded at SP.
Feel free to offer, but make it a good one.
freak - you're "save me santana"?
pad...that's very tempting.
efforting on a trade.
i just don't know...you figure manny has to rebound...but i like the players you're sending back.
tough tough.
freak :
pierre for santana
pull the trigger nolan
it's your only hope, you nned to start winning some pitching categories
i really hope that is earvin and not johan...
i countered pad
weazy keep your nose out of grown folks bi-nizz
Dye for Meche.
i have to agree with mills...that's a ridiculous trade offer.
Mills, I can't stand Scotty Po. I can't carry guys I don't like. Its unethical.
what you got in mind then?
you like Chris Duncan?
I would consider him. Have to think about it though.
brucie i respectfully countered wif a comment
I think I would prefer Guillen at this point since Howie is hurt, but I don't know...
you have Hardy, so you have more depth at SS anyway.
I don't think I can trade Hill. He's arguably the best player on my team.
ok reject it and i'll come back
i have 0 batters on the bench now
bruce cuddyer has value though
if i include cuddyer i will have to lower the pitcher in return
like E. san or blanton or glavine
and i got two closers
bruce -- i floated a couple your way. increased my end and your end from original.
true true.
major dilemma.
anyone with an ELITE SS looking to move them?
i still don't want pods.
he sucks.
weazy - dye for meche
pierre for halladay then
bruce -- then counter, and let me know what you do like from my team.
Somebody can make a run at Peavy if they want. It will cost you obviously. but feel free.
lets look at this zeke. i would rather do that deal than others i have out there right now.
peavy's axing price?
dye for meche doesn't sting the nostrils, I'm intrigued weaze.
i proposed something weaz.
Zeke -- I don't think you will like Peavy's price for your team. It would be Abreau for Peaves.
jose guillen with another bomb
i'm telling you 25-30 hr's this year
Bruce. I love it. Just need a bit more. Not even a starter. YOu can guess who.
zeke -- lets think dye meche terms though for right now.
it was countered bruce, if you pull it, i believe you can get in time for his next start...
It would be Abreau for Peaves.
this didn't make me cringe.
his next start is tomorrow.
waiting period on trades is 2 days.
good math.
but zeke-- i think in order to pull the trigger i would need a pitching downgrade (one of the crappier ones you would probably drop anyway).
fuck you all with hitting depth
Peavy is gone.
weazy you bastard
maybe thats sposed to be fuck all of you with hitting depth
but Meche is still there.
Or Harden and his bum elbow...
sorry. I like Manny more than Bobby. And I can fix 2B this way.
i still am not sure why you wanted cano so bad.
but enjoy him.
i think he is a good buy low candidate. a long with manny.
and i am starting rich aureillia there right now...
spiff I've got some hitters, I need SP
freak - offer is up on the board, take a look
dye will go up
meche will go down
zeke -- i agree, that is why i would do it.
however, i am not as high on dye given that last year was his truly only awesome year. other than that it is filled with injuries.
and he isn't up to snuff so far this year.
meche. yeah, he is awesome right now. And he is in his prime. Question is, has he finally put it all together or is this just a flash in the pan like the old days?
We can still talk that deal though if you want.
the peavy/man ram deal is one of the better put through so far, well done to both.
Jason Jennings too. Or Doug Davis, who is a high K guy with a tidy 2.50 era.
i'll think about it zeke.
wow bruce
i woulda moved cuddyer if you threw in cano
cano gonna have the same year as hill, who is hitting over his head so far
zeke...deal out there...not sure on your level of value assigned to anyone in that deal though
zeke i got a plethora of SP
meche, even if he "puts it all together" is pitching for a terrible club...dude has to regress
wow -- just realizing that SP is in short supply. yikes.
royals are better than their record, but they are the best division in baseball. so that stings.
corbin....no thanks
ep - let's make a deal
wow -- just realizing that SP is in short supply. yikes.
i realized this two weeks ago when i tried to get zambrano/garcia but you bltches wouldn't let that go through
cobin's team is fucking stacked.
elp --
who do you like the least out of blanton, santana and young?
corbin....no thanks
Was it who you were giving, who you were getting, or the number of players involved?
cobin's team is fucking stacked.
i warned you all of how he operates. nobody listens to me.
he is very good at the sell high/buy low ala Upton for Sizemore and stuff.
wrong reyes in the deal corb
You "warned them all about me"
Wow, you truly are a raging homosexual...
you sound like the overly-protective, fat ass chick going out with her four hot friends...
I don't know whether to punch you in the face, or buy my friends enough drinks until they're lit enough to jump on the grenade and fuck you
giving up on your golden boy in BOTH leagues mills?
just send offers
i have 0 untouchable players if it makes sense
weaze: the upton/sizemore deal netted me an infield and another closer
i'd do it again, i cant not trade him sizemore because he already has beltran
weaz i like them all
i guess santana's era bothers me but he makes up for it because of the angels offense and he strikes guys out
young is clearly my ace. at the moment
Bruce, what the fuck?
glavin is on his way to 300, that's at least 6 wins double that with the way he's pitching and the mets offense
wells is a joke but keeps you games
duke could be better
and my sleeper is Micah who i'm loving right now
yeah bruce
Sheff is now up for grabs.
I have 15 mins to get something done before I have a meeting.
Want a Top 50ish SP.
EP - I put a trade up on the board
top 50ish for a injury prone 40 yeard old?
Santana for Sheff is the best i can do
Elp -
any interest in pods?
I don't like any of those guys enough for Sheff.
I have Franc the Tank too, but not sure I like those guys enough for him either.
his only worth is sb's and runs
and he's on the dl til when?
ep I got a deal up for you to look at
mvp last year
i'll counter
i thought he was on the DL till the end of May.
I agree, runs and sbs, that's it.
There aren't a lot of sb guys available.
I just can't give up more for the worst of whoever you deem out of those sp's.
zeke i countered
weazy i dont know what to tell u
it's hard tradking players that are hurt
I'm not feeling c young like that.
weaz sheff is your only desireable of, other than ramirez of course which i was this close to getting
Mills, Thome for Guillen and ?
zeke "I was thinking more along the lines of C Young."
you said this the other day
manny is always available. just remember i had to give up peavy to get him.
meiz -- not close brother.
ss is fixed now. lopez will stay put and cano goes to second.
How come I never get to partake in these rodeos?
anyway meiz moves soriano?
I could see Sheets for Sheff maybe working out. Have to look at some numbers, but that is a possibility.
you missed out. it was flying here for a while.
peavy lost 14 games last year
young is very underated
My socks need to be blown off.
meiz whatta think
well, let me work on it
i could not disagree more on Peavy.
He is 24. Has already won an ERA crown AND a K crown.
He has the goods.
Last year was a fluke, as he showed this year.
Sheffield is horrible.
Meiz -- any feedback on Sheff?
Sheffield is horrible.
You really feel this way? He is starting to come around AND has 5 sbs already this year.
I did say that, my bad EP, forgot I said it.
After seeing that Pierre has more steals than most teams I've re-evaluated his worth.
check that
am i in the ballpark?
out for a while. lates
deke - let's get a deal done. what are you looking for?
true weaz im just saying in a ptichers park, young has the goods to win 15 and blow away 200 (k's)batters as well
god bless Jose Contreras and his 9 innings of shut-out ball today.
deke am i close?
deke - carlos guillen, what's the word?
yo zeke check out peralta's #'s
could be a breakout.....
deke did you die?
Joe Smith for Pherralta
RIP Deke.
Zeke, I don't really wanna get rid of Guillen. I was just shooting for Thome
i need a reponse from deke before i go forward with other trades
ElP, you're pretty close...ish
Zeke, Kendrick may be available.
I like entertaining these offers
clos-ish like who else would you want
counter you crazy drunk
I'll look. It may have to wait for tonight. I'm more rational when I drink.
wise choice, so am i
just keep me first
i was bumped off the manny deal
Mills undercutting your Man-Ram deal has to chap your ass there ELP...
it stings corb
EP what did you offer?
but if i can grab sori, i wont complain
Monroe and c.Young
but he countered with Cuddyer and C. Young, which i would have done if he threw in a 2b
i asked for hill, he said no, then i said well it's not dead yet let's make it happen
then weazy swooped in like a vulture and offered peavy
which is fine because i think he overpaid but i was this close to nailing manny for young and cuddyer and i woulda got cano or a sub to boot
yeah "undercutting" in fantasy means you overpay.
that woulda been a nice deal for you ep
who was it over at LOV that got the balance of powers to shift over here to get the flury of trade activity?
i commend their efforts...
i take the credit
yeah , cant blame brucie he got a better deal
but then you know who wonders why we call him weazy
anything you like on my squad corb
looking to improve offense at any position
Hey asshole. I thought we were like the Broncos & Redskins. I'm hurt.
no, dont get it twisted
we are
i want sori
just talking up some back up plans
hurry up and drink
I'm not home 'till 7pm cdt
or cst. whatever it is.
7:30 eta for me, i'll check in here at about 9 ish ETA
i did not swoop in on any deal.
i was the first person to talk deals with Bruce. Cano and everything.
You knew he was available to deal with because of me.
dont matter you overpaid
My team is taking a shit this week.
I'm bummed.
I'm here. The Office was late tonight.
aiight lets get crackin
My feet are gettin' icy.
I don't know that Sori can come close to being replaced.
how bout any two hitters other than Mournea and Upton
and any pitcher
3 for 1
I like the pitchers you're offering, but I'll have a "too many cooks in the kitchen" problem.
Gonna make another drink.
awww, man. Upton was in my plans.
Cuddyer could have similar numbers other than the sb's
Chavez is coming around
ok,ok upton is available
But if upton is involved, no 3 for 1
Cuddyer, Upton, Any pitcher
Sori and Kendrick or
Sori and Jose Lopez or
work it out
okay, I might be able to work with that.
ok so which pitcher you want
i sent an offer
I rejected the offer. I like to iron things out first.
iron away
get back to me soon, if not i will vomit on the keyboard as my time is running out (4 glasses of wine, 3 beers)
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