I’ve gone back and corrected the previous weeks - the Power Rankings are up-to-date.
Gain of the week: Todd Packer, moving up 4 spots from 14th to 10th after soundly defeating El Pad’s Scallywags by the score of 8 – 4.
Loser of the week: Captain Stupendous loses 3 spots falling from 10th to 13th after suffering a 2 – 9 beatdown at the hands of Save me Santana.
Power Rankings
Gain of the week: The smackdown of Captain Stupdendous moves Save me Santana up 3 spots from 6th to 3rd.
Loser of the week: A three way tie between Brew Crew Lite, Baseball is stoopid and Mike Vick’s Pitbull. Each lose 2 spots, BCL moves from 3rd to 5th after tying Team Brian Peppers 5-5. BIS moves from 7th to 9th after falling to Fenway Faithful by the score of 5-7. MVP (ha) soundly beats floor sucking Bruce Almighty by the score of 7 -2 but falls none-the-less.
i cant even beat a team run by a ghost, a fat ghost, but a ghost nonetheless
I believe this shows me destroying everyone.
I like that.
Keep up the good work Zeke.
Freak -
By everyone, you include the 3 people ahead of you?
good work zeke.
my offense has been putrid the last couple weeks
its been bad all season blue you've just had easy matchups.
1. Save Me Santana: 141-52-11
2. Best.Team.Ever: 116-78-10
Sure looks like a big lead to me.
no, it hasn't been this bad all season, typically i've been hitting at or near .300 and had OPS in the .800-.900's
the last two weeks I've hit like .225 and OPS of .600
all my guys are in a slump at the same time
team toddpacker is a 2nd half team.... look the fuck out... either that or i'll continue to suck
the moosecock luver is powerfl
"1. Save Me Santana: 141-52-11
2. Best.Team.Ever: 116-78-10
Sure looks like a big lead to me."
1. Want2playBalderdash? 969-570-93
4. Save me Santana 871-650-111
Correction: Sure looks like a big lead to ME!!!
Freak -- you remind of a Ben Folds quote in a song.
"Why you gotta act like you know when you don't know?" The implication is that you don't know shit. Which is merely reality in this case.
You won week 8. Way to win one week.
Overall, you are still behind me and 2 others. Suck on it Tribec.
I'm sorry Mills, I can't hear you.
I don't speak moron.
it sure looks to me like freak is in 2nd place...and my team beat his earlier this year...i was awesome once
blue -- you need a new pair of glasses then.... he is not in second in the power rankings. yahoo yes. power rankings no. all that means is he has had an easier schedule than others so far, so his yahoo record has benefitted.
we will see who is better this week. freak can take me down if he can!!
strength of schedule is bullshit and you know it. The teams are all fairly evenly matched up, it just depends on who has a hot week and who doesn't.
As far as the power rankings go, they are nice to look at, but weazy better realize that you don't get into the playoffs based on power rankings
also, not to rag on the power rankings, but they are a week old already..stop living in the past weazer
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