Gain of the week: A tie between Super Deluxe, moving up 4 spots from 14th to 10th after cruising by Bruce Almighty by the score of 11 – 1, and Baseball is stoopid, who move up from 6th to 2nd, after a 10 - 2 plundering of Captain Stupendous.
Loser of the week: Save me Santana loses 5 spots falling from 2nd to 7th after suffering a 3 – 9 smoking at the hands of Best.Team.Ever.
Power Rankings
Gain of the week: Chony Choni Chone easily gets by Sweet Lou’s Hick-Hop, by the score of 8 – 4. Moving up 4 spots from 6th to 2nd. CCC also swept all offensive categories, a league first.
Loser of the week: Fenway Faithful loses 3 positions, falling from 9th to 12th after losing to Brew Crew Lite by the score of 5 – 7.
BIS is back again, check it to wreck it and lets begin
re: Weekly Records
"Total Offensive W's" and "Total Pitching W's" are the highest single week total for all offensive and pitching categories.
17 possible W's per category * 6 categories = 102 possible W's
Yes. I win.
wheelin and dealin
zeke lincecum
I don't get how CCC can have a 102 total for offense when he didn't win 3 of the categories?
How is Corbin's 184-20 week not in the records for either Offensive W's or Pitching W's.
blue go back and check 3C's matchup, I won all of my offensive categories.....
corby's best week was :
that was 94 Offensive W's and 79 Pitching W's.
Both of you - think before you speak.
ok you didn't say it was the all-time record for a week.
c'mon throw me a bone here man. I thought it was listing what the high scores for this week were
fair enough blue, but I still won all my offensive categories for the week and the 102 is from last week's matchup so your comment still doesn't make sense.
i thought your list above was last weeks scores in the respective categories.
So I didn't understand how you could have 102 for the week when Best Team Ever had 17 HRs for the week. I didn't realize that was the high of all time, I didn't look into the stats to see the actuals from the week.
I have a really hard time giving up Guillen. He's so valuable to me.
and yet a large boner you want to bury into Gallardo's ass...if you won't give me the SS someone else will (down to which HOLDS guy will complete the deal on another SS)...
Once a SS is attained i will have Gallardo's high K rate on my roster for the entire year...if you haven't noticed i'm not shy about the NA's on my roster
I don't have a FMLB hard-on for him, though.
I think the boner transcends all boundries...
I just don't need to go trading a proven bat/100 RBI guy for a .208 hitter and an untested starter.
i'm here meiz
deke- mauer. i have a lot of OFers.
i'm looking for a reasonably priced starter, middle of the road kind of guy
So I've recently received 4 offers and all are pretty interesting.
If one of them is for better than the No. 4 player in yahoo, then by all means, do that...
but i doubt it.
Blue -- somebody dropped a legitimate starter the other day I think.
Might want to scour the waiver wire.
i'm here
i apologize. Sheff is 6th...
i need a hitter, assuming my trade goes thru of course
freak turned me down, zeke turned me down
EP - will you lower your price on Blanton?
i got plenty of hitters elp.
Thome and Berkman are Util guys for me...
blue i hit u up
I need SP (not that much though)
Meiz -- you called us over here...
Where did you go?
zeke, honest opinion
is blanton a top 3 guy (in a rotation)?
Any excess SS's out here...
I like Blanton, just not at your asking price.
my hitters > weazy's hitters
everyone hit me up
Blue --
no on getting v-mart back?
sheff? manny?
zeke -- your offense is nowhere near as good as mine or corbins. get real.
zeke -- your offense is nowhere near as good as mine or corbins. get real.
what are you smoking fool?
zeke, honest opinion
is blanton a top 3 guy (in a rotation)?
blanton is a 3, but nothing more.
"zeke -- your offense is nowhere near as good as mine or corbins. "
This is why i get lumped into the likes of weaselhood...i can talk shit about my own team mills...shit
In that regard, your offense is no where near as good as mine zeke
i have Lopez corbs, but like his versatility on my BENCH.
7 of 10 guys are ranked in the top 100, figgy is my highest ranked player and that's only due to an injury.
you've got guys starting in the 6 and 7 hundo's.
shhhhhh. Quiet. NO MILK HERE.
Just need to open the communication lines.
I am just saying that there are 2 offenses that are by far better than everybody elses.
zeke is not amongst those two.
suck it corbin.
powell already declared mine bestest.
corby has a good offense, no argument there, Stephen Drew is putrid though and you still don't have a catcher.
well what are you wanting meiz?
I'll compare offenses this week between us 3 to see where we rank, if I'm wrong I'll admit it.
But you don't want to give up and ELITE player to get either.
i have a guy who hit 34 hrs and 107 rbis last year ON MY BENCH.
and a guy that had 45 sbs last year and 28 hrs the year before ON MY BENCH.
That is depth.
Sheffield and Manny are NOT elite?
I traded Peavy for Manny.
some call him a #2
7-4 , 1.10 whip, 71 k's to 21 bb's
Piazza is back rehabbing now, and will be back in the next week or two. I'm in first place, that is why i can afford not to have a C, and why i can pick up DL/NA guys even though i have 4 inactives on my roster already
Drew has the potential...I am looking to upgrade there, but not at the cost of creating another hole. This is an 18 team league, there are going to be holes in lineups...i'm just trying to minimize mine
Sheff has an o-rank in the 30's and is currently ranked 6th overall. That is a 2nd round pick at WORST in our league.
I'm entertaining offers.
but weazy this year they suck
hey weazy...welcome to the present day...those guys suck balls this year.
i have a guy who hit 34 hrs and 107 rbis last year ON MY BENCH. THIS GUY IS HITTING BELOW THE MENDOZA LINE
and a guy that had 45 sbs last year and 28 hrs the year before ON MY BENCH
and i have three rp's with good K's and holds
Where is Sheffield on the Tigers Depth Chart?
im here, only have 1 guy to offer anyone
I like Mauer Deke, but he is not that all world that he warrants more than either of those guys.
In a normal league, I would laugh at you for that straight up. But since that is my only real hole, I am considering checking it out.
you don't get points for depth you stupid stray cat motherfucker.
I agree they suck right now, but they are on my BENCH. The rest of my starters are STOUT.
weazy the numbers between our offenses isn't close, and I had another good offensive week last week.
you truly are a moron.
I don't give a crap where Sheff is on the depth chart.
He is elig at 2 positions. He is ranked 6th overall for current stats.
"I traded Peavy for Manny. "
Zeke 382 93 355 76 2.795 8.222
Weazy 323 85 332 31 2.705 8.018
i just got berkman and jeter for v-mart. two guys picked in the 1st 2 rounds. i am making me team better. let's see where things go from here...
wow. an LOF slapper
nice try weasel
who is your one guy spiff?
How can you point out i have been playing without a catcher for over a month, (in addition to playing without a 2nd baseman while weeks has been out) but then say
I'm in first, biding my time until they get healthy, thus i don't have a need to run guys out there to lead in those rankings
wow. an LOF slapper
this truly is a new low, but the weasel must be put in his place.
the argument was better offense right?
look at the fucking numbers then.
numbers don't lie.
blue what about Blanton instead?
even with a catcher you couldn't touch C3.
EP, I got distracted by the gay bobsy twins.
any way you lower that asking price?
Meiz -- I have taken the Sheff offer off.
Not sure Mauer is enough after all.
Might be interested in Salty though for something.
Perhaps that relief guy from the Brewers that has 5 W's and 12 Holds. Villenuvea?
what do you for him spiff?
spiff any chance you'll deal hoff
a power hitter
cant deal hoff
You are an idiot. Pujols has done basically jack squat this year? Does that mean that he will not have a .300 40 100 100 year at the end of the year? Of course not.
Berkman will come out of his funk too.
Why? Because thats what superduper stars do.
Like what you saw out of Gallardo's start Meiz? I did, and i'm not even a brewers fan
mills you got served homie.
keep making stoopid claims though.
elp I hit you up
Spiff --
Best I can do for Smoltz is Franc the Tank or Thome.
I fucking hate having to stop my lunch for fucking customers. Do your fucking job.
"Why? Because thats what superduper stars do."
Yeah, just ask Giambi.
Zeke -- good luck with Carlos Pena, Brendan Harris, Eric Byrnes, and Kelly Johnson.
I am sure they will keep it up and lead you to the promise land.
For me...
I guess I will stick with old Pujols, Jeter, Sheffield (Manny, Berkman or Franceour if that floats your boat for best OFer..cuz they are all so good really...its too hard to choose), and Cano.
Giambi is hurt.
Mills, none of them would start in my OF
"Perhaps that relief guy from the Brewers that has 5 W's and 12 Holds. Villenuvea?"
That's more realistic.
"Like what you saw out of Gallardo's start Meiz? I did, and i'm not even a brewers fan"
Jedi mind-tricks don't work on Jedi knights.
weazy I've moved on, you're dead to me.
Yeah... Manny, the 17th o-ranked player. Sheff - 39th o-ranked, Berkman 16th ranked.
They couldn't start in your OF.
zeke only interested in blanton?
blue i'm waiting on deke
o-rank is worthless.
but that's weazy for you, pulling the o-rank argument when it's in his favor, you don't learn do you weazy?
you pulled this a few months ago dipshit.
ep - any quality SP
does something that happened a season or two ago help you this season?
come on weazy.
keep coming ear muffs, I'll bitch slap you down too.
"o-rank is worthless.
but that's weazy for you, pulling the o-rank argument when it's in his favor, you don't learn do you weazy?
you pulled this a few months ago dipshit."
and I love how weazy started off saying he has the best offense (collectively) - now he's breaking it down player by player and talking about prior seasons.
*forehand/backhand pimp slap.
bitch I done told you twice
weazy you were already made a fool about the o-rank from your boy corby months ago.
you didn't learn?
*raising hand
you have to admit pierre is hard to trade right now
what about dunn?
If there was anybody worth a shit on your roster that was starting slow, I would call you out and propose a trade based on ACTUAL RANK.
You would look like a hypocrite when you rejected.
Dye woudl be the only example, and I don't need an OFers. So that doesn't work.
pierre has dipped no doubt, I like Dunn and am interested to see if/where he gets dealt.
*raising hand again
weasel - speak when spoken to and don't change the subject or hollinger-up some stats to support your argument.
Actually found it.
Barry Zito.
Here you go.
Don't be a hypocrite now.
Barry Zito has 711 ranking right now.
I am offering you Jon Lieber, who is at 695.
O-ranks don't matter remember...
Hell... Matt Thorton too.
Better choose which one you want...
There you go Zeke. Two trade offers where you upgrade on current ranks.
You should gobble them both up.
Unless you are full of shit. I know you wouldn't want to look bad in front of your "friends" here.
EVERYBODY QUICK!!! Somebody needs to go tell Brandon Funston that Albert Pujols should NOT be No. 2 on his Big Board because Pujols isn't currently ranked that high.
Mills...he said O-ranks don't mean shit...not I'll accept any ranked player higher than any other on my roster
p.s. neither of those guys you're offering belong on a roster
weazy - you still don't get it. We are comparing THIS SEASON and offense.
I provided you numbers to support my claim that my offense is significantly better than yours, which it is. We can only judge this season ON THIS SEASON'S NUMBERS.
Now, will a good player who's started off slowly, rebound and improve their numbers? Based on their history, yes. In this sense, O-Rank is a valid measure of a players worth.
But we're talking about OFFENSES, RIGHT NOW.
Come on weazy, you're looking very foolish again - grasping at straws and going off on tangents.
Stay on target.
well if O-ranks mean NOTHING, then current ranks must mean EVERYTHING.
its not as if Zito has been hurt or anything to excuse his ranking...
*making championship belt motion around my waist
don't make me raise my hand again weasel
Meiz...you're nothing but my apprentice...
Hard to see the dark side is
Miggy for Beltran still up for grabs in keeper league?
well if O-ranks mean NOTHING, then current ranks must mean EVERYTHING.
weazy again you're going off on tangents.
and since you brought it up, current ranks are more important - as they show how a player is doing THIS SEASON.
You don't get credit for prior seasons weazy.
"*making championship belt motion around my waist"
I think you're holding the "best offensive numbers through 11 weeks belt"...
(see standings)
and weazy, everyone knows that a star player who's had a history of success in the league will, at seasons end be near the top of the rankings, do you think you've stumbled onto something new with that theory?
but judging two average short stops for example, current rank means more.
No...i've told you numerous times i have fallen off my attempts to get Beltran because he would require my bench to be deeper (since i have reyes, wright...mets off day i would need 3 subs)
"You don't get credit for prior seasons weazy"
In baseball, things even themselves out over the course of a season (streaks good and bad).
At the end of the year. A veteran in his prime (like Berkman) will have a typical Berkman season. .290 35 110 95.
I would rather save my streaks up for the playoffs anyway...
*making championship belt motion around my waist
this is the "I made weazy look like a fool again" champions belt
And Meiz, i thought you'd be proud, but this comment is coming directly via my laptop on the shitter
tps be calling.....
nice try weasel. You still suck.
Pretty sure you are the one who looks like the jackwad.
Then by all means Zeke carry on...but if that's the case shouldn't we all have that belt? Co-champs with everyone on LOV and LOF?
jackwad = mills proposing Oliver Perez for John Smoltz in our 12 team league
I just feel like standing pat right now, I guess.
I'm not in the mood to deal unless it dramatically improves my team.
ok, even though blanton would be your #2 right behind sheets?
I'm guessing now that the slapper is over everyone has headed back to LOV?
He'd be a number 4 behind Gallardo (if meiz would pull the trigger for either SS)
blanton is better than maddux, stop it
I'll give you that ELP, mad dog will still amass 14 W's or so pitching in petco though
i'll take Gallardo
I'll take Gallardo, too. But not for Carlos Guillen.
And yes, I'd like Blanton, but then my OF is patchwork again.
well, i need a of'er
i'm here
deke, was my offer tempting at all or the worst of all the offers you received
Tempting. But if I go for something like that, I gotta go balls deep.
balls deep is a quality metaphor
FYI...BIS wins week 11 in power rankings...that's just a prediction
Team Brew Crew Unite balls deep?
I also predict CCC will be in 1st for the season rankings, and BIS will be in 6th...these are predictions, like something that buster olney might do
or here?
powerrankings died
you guys all suck my balls
anyone interested morneau?
you guys are a bunch of pussies
where are the power rankings
you rang
I'm pretty sure Chris Benoit kilt the power rankings also, the media just hasn't reported it yet.
I still blame Imus about the Power Rankings though.
yea morneau, u interested in some ort of deal for him
I'm willing to discuss, what are you looking for?
I'm looking for a Starting Pitcher.
zeke, cant make you an offer, i already traded him in that last trade i made
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