Gain of the week:A tie between Captain Stupendous, moving up 3 spots from 13th to 10th after demolishing Bagels and Kakes by the score of 10 – 1, and El Pad's Scallywags, who move up from 16th to 13th, after a 7 - 1 thrashing of Fenway Faithful.
Loser of the week: I Love Lamp loses 4 spots falling from 12th to 16th after suffering a 2 – 9 beatdown at the hands of Best.Team.Ever.
Power Rankings
Gain of the week: The smackdown of I Love Lamp moves Best.Team.Ever up 2 spots from 4th to 2nd.
Loser of the week: A three way tie between Sweet Lou’s Hick-Hop, Baseball is stoopid and Save me santana. Each lose 1 spot, SLHH moves from 2nd to 3rd after losing to Balderdash 3-8, BIS moves from 9th to 10th after falling to The Dorothy Mantoothz by the score of 4-7, and SMS drops from 3rd to 4th after tying Mills Loves MooseCock at 5’s.
BIS is horrible...
everyone is now available on my team except for Carlos Ruiz and Jose Batista...because they are the only ones who don't suck
I love the power rankings. I lose the actual weekly match-ups but hold steady towards the top of the power rankings.
what say you now freak?
i need sbs and/or a ss. sorry blue. not v-mart for jeter. would look at some other stuff though.
figgy or pierre can be had for a quality RP.
define quality
and weazy i got pods for sb's
(s) and (ns)
should i start burres tonight against 3 of my players
that's a little dumb but if he does well ima be pissed off
figgins sucks btw
i have a ton of outfeilders, anyone want some?
since Figgy has been on my team he's raised his average 70 points, and got me about 4 SB's. He's just getting over his finger injuries.
and if anyone needs good OF's I've got plenty.
quality RP = decent era and holds
i got two of them
3 of them acutally
Call me back when Power Rankings get you in the playoffs.
I've set up a LOV Yahoo FFBL for us:
League ID: 19724
Password : "password" (without the "")
go away you ferret.
you are a tony homo
I need holds because all my holds guys became closers. I want that hill guy that Tem has but he's too stubborn
Hill=Heath Bell
blue -- who do you have for sbs?
blue --
do you not like jesus? i mean johnny damon?
parenthetically - i love the saying: Johnny Damon. Looks like Jesus. Acts like Judas. Throws like Mary.
pods for sale weazy
watcha got?
not much elp. since i dropped him for gordon. which i regret.
i can hook you up with a decent holds/era guy.
i got the best core of middle releivers already, no thanks
it either that or alex gordon :)
I am not a big fan of Damon, but he seems to be pulling out of his slump, which is why he was benched last night.
can't have a guy who goes 3/5 start for me, that would be insane and against the BIS mission statement
out for lunch. lates.
alex gordan = hhahahahahahahaaaa
zeke, peep my relievers
I can't get no.
Trade action.
freak casey blake
that is all
casey blake for what?
You got rid of all the chips I wanted.
if we're just giving away indians, i'll take one...just don't tell Kod
wait til my new roster and then
Casey Blake local Iowa product...represent
Freak -- tell me how that ass kicking feels?
team stupendous got nuked
corb i sent you something
i'm still not done tweaking my team so come one come all
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